Thursday, July 19, 2012

9 Month Check Up

Weight: 18lb 15.5oz (54%tile)
Height: 27.5in (49%tile)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Getting Ready to Cruise and First Words!

This is ALL she does now when I put her down on the floor.  I have a feeling she'll be walking before her first birthday! 

And before I know it, she'll be waving "bah bah bah" as she runs away from me!  Sometimes she'll also say "bah bah bah bah" as she opens and closes her hand.  She also waves "hi" and says/screams "aaaaaaayyyyeeee" but I have yet to catch that on camera.  Also not caught on camera are her first words!  I think it was bah bah - I'm not sure if it was part of her "bye bye" or if she was calling for dad. But I also heard her clearly say "ma ma" this week!  She's growing up too fast!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Olympic Crawler?

Do they have crawling in the olympics?  Because if they did, I think she might make the cut! =)
Also noteworthy is that she now has 4 teeth on top!