Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Little Monkey

Almost 11 months old!  Where did the time go?!  Sophia is a ball of energy!  She’s nonstop crawling, climbing, standing, and maybe almost walking.  She’s like a little monkey when it comes to climbing.  She climbs the stairs, she’ll try to climb up onto the couch to grab something that she wants (usually the TV remote), she’ll try to climb up the side of the bathtub to reach for something inside the tub (and actually, she does it well enough where she can fall into the tub if I’m not there to pull her back), she’ll try to climb out of the pack n play (or into it like the picture below) and she'll even climb the laundry basket to get her beloved blankie.  If you are near her during one of her climbing adventures, she’ll actually use you as a stepping block to get to where she wants to go.


Some “tricks” that Sophia has learned to do pretty well in the past couple months include your standard hi (she waves her arm up and down) and bye (she opens and closes her hand, although it seems like she’s saying bye to herself!).  She can give “fly kisses” aka “fay mun” and does “deem choong choong”.  She’ll clap when you ask her to…she’ll also clap if you ask her if she wants more of something – that’s her version of sign language for “more”.  She’ll put her hand over her mouth when I ask her to say thank you (suppose to be on her chin, but that’s close enough) and she’ll pat her chest when I ask her to say please (suppose to be a circular motion, but that seems to be a lot of coordination for a baby!).  If you ask her to give you a kiss, she’ll open up her mouth and put it to your face and then make her version of a kissing sound “ooh-WAH!  She's also very chatty when she wants to be.  "mum, mum, mum" seems to be her favorite words - which means she wants to eat!  She LOVES eating.  Especially anything we're eating.

She also loves her big brother.  At night when I put them down for bed, she likes to go roll around in his bed and play with him for a little bit first.  She rolls all over him and plays with some of his toys and books.  In the morning, she usually wakes up before he does.  When I get her out of her crib and walk by him, she smiles and gets excited when she sees him, even if he's still sleeping.  I love that she loves him so much.  Hope it stays that way!!