Sunday, September 28, 2014


Sophia started preschool.  She's a preschooler!  She's not even 3 yet!  But she has been doing great.  We were really worried about how she would adjust since she's always been with a caretaker who was someone from our family.  To our surprise, she has done great so far and hasn't even cried once during drop off.  Her teacher was also Matthew's preschool teacher so maybe it is a little more comforting that she's already somewhat familiar with the teacher/school.  When we ask her what she did in school, she usually answers with either "I dunno" or "played kitchen".  When we ask her who her friends are, she'll usually answer "John Paul" (cool thing is that he's the little brother of one of matthew's classmates from preschool!)  But we know she does more than that at school because I know her teacher didn't make up the answers to her "all about me" page!

Overall, I think she's doing well in class.  She doesn't really tell us what she does all day in school, but I'll hear her singing songs that I've never heard her sing before.  Songs about heads, shoulders, knees and toes,  how to line up, how to sit down, how to clean up, how the wheels on the bus go round and round.  She doesn't quite know all the words, but enough for me to know what song she is singing.

Speaking of words, here are some words that are in her vocabulary:
duffen duffen = doc mcstuffin (watch video below this list of words)
faywerk = firework
berella = umbrella
gweeze = squeeze
pocanut = polka dot
barkoly = sparkly
bahasmas = bahamas
oomdo = uno (card game.  she'll yell out "OOMDO!" when she's down to one card)

She probably says these words with more clarity now, but over the summer, these were words that I heard often.  She's still doing okay with Chinese and English but I can tell that now she's in school, Chinese is kind of her second choice language now.  She'll speak to Matthew in mostly English - but she's also picking up the Mandarin that he's learning.

Before starting school in September, she had a busy summer! 

 She attended a toddler gymnastics class for about 6 weeks.  I don't think she really liked it that much since she didn't really participate much according to grandma.  But when daddy took her to gymnastics, she did everything the teacher instructed them to do!  

She had fun going bowling once a week with gong gong.

She enjoyed Lego Land...for the most part.  As you can see, she wasn't too fond of the super slide!

She also enjoyed some birthday parties, weddings, time at the park and her new toddler seat on the back of momma's bike!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Words out of her mouth today: I wanna be a princess when I grow up!