Sunday, October 19, 2014

3 Years Old!

Height: 36.5in (31st percentile)
Weight: 31lbs 2oz (55th percentile)

Poor girl ended up getting hand foot mouth disease for her 3rd birthday but she was still in good spirits.  Something about her getting sick on her birthday...she had a fever on her first birthday, but was okay for her 2nd birthday.  Hopefully this is not the trend for every odd year birthday!

She seems to be enjoying school for the most part.  I think it helps that she's familiar with her teacher and classroom since Matthew had the same teacher.  Drop offs are still difficult some mornings, but hopefully it'll only get better as the school year progresses.
Here are some pictures from her first school field trip:

Pictures top to bottom/left to right: Too heavy! ; Wouldn't pick up the pumpkins because they were dirty; Finally convinced her to pick up one of the pumpkins; Not too sure about taking a picture with Mrs. Maldonado; enjoying the playground after the pumpkin patch.

And lastly, she worked hard at making birthday cupcakes to share with her friends in class, with no help from big brother, as you can see: