Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Happy 5th Birthday

“I want to invite 5 friends and go to Airtime for my birthday because I’m turning 5.”  The girl knows what she wants!  

Weight: 38lb 4oz (42nd percentile)
Height: 3' 5.75" (37th percentile)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


We have our second kindergartener now.  She was excited to have the same teacher that her brother had in kindergarten and she likes riding the bus to school.  She also loves doing homework, always asking if she can do more than what's actually assigned for the evening!  Her first friend that she made in kindergarten is Kyra, which happens to be the sister of a girl that was in Matthew's class.  Mrs. Trexler has called us to let us know what a joy it has been having Sophia in her class - so proud of our little girl!

She's been doing pretty good considering she doesn't get a nap anymore now that she's in kindergarten.  She'll have her cranky moments when she's tired, but that's pretty normal for most kids.  The good (or maybe not so good?) thing is that she can fall asleep anywhere if she's tired.  Anywhere. (L-R: grandparents couch, cafe at Universal Studios, wedding)

Since becoming a big sister, she's matured a lot in many ways, but still our little girl.  She loves being a big sister but will still be a shrieky, whiny little baby when she doesn't get her way or if she loses at a game that she's playing with her brother or if her baby sister unintentionally scratches her.  But for the most part, she loves to help out and will always ask me if she was good helper if she thinks she did something helpful.  

This summer she surprised us by swimming in the pool and by going tubing by herself.  She doesn't like swim lessons at all and makes a big fuss when the instructor tries to make her put her entire head under water.  But for some reason, when she's in the water outside of swim class, she really enjoys it!

This summer we also signed her up to "play" soccer.  She actually told me that she wanted to play, but when we would get there, she would either be very cranky because she's tire d from not wanting to nap during the day or complain that it was too hot and that she didn't want to get sweaty.  One time she even told me that she didn't want to join them for the warm up because she didn't want to run too much!  But overall, I think she enjoys kicking a soccer ball around. I have a suspicion that she's pretty athletic, but she's going to be a little lazy about it or not want to get sweaty!  Truly a little princess!!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Pre-K Graduate

Come September, Sophia will be a kindergartener.  Our second kindergartener!!  Where did the time go?!  Just for the record, during her Pre-K graduation celebration, she told everyone that when she grows up, she wants to be a princess - consistent with her September 2014 wish to be a princess when she grows up!

She has grown and developed so much since the first day of pre-K.  Mrs. Holt said she is definitely ready for kindergarten, despite not turning 5 until October.  I will take a minute to be that proud parent and brag about how well she's done in school and how the teachers usually ask her to help finish up class projects because she is able to complete them quickly and with minimal oversight.  She's also learned to stand up for herself and become more of a leader rather than a follower like she was at the beginning of the school year.  She's become quite the artist too!  The first picture is something that she would draw at the start of the school year.  The rest of the pictures are things she draws now.  You can see how much more detail there is now and how it actually looks like something other than a one eyed alien! :)

We have such a sassy, smart, caring little girl on our hands.  I wish I could freeze time so that we can enjoy this stage forever and not have to worry about the hormonal teenage years!!

Sunday, April 24, 2016


Pat's been watching a lot of basketball recently and one day while watching, she asks us "Do you have to have dark skin to play basketball?"  That's quite observant for a 4 year old, if you ask me.