Monday, April 10, 2017

Teacher's Pet

Sophia is such a sassy little fashionista who thrives on compliments of how well behaved she was or how she was a great helper or how her handwriting is neater than her older brother’s.

She is doing great in school and was even selected to be the kindergarten student of the month back in January.  Her teacher always comments on how well behaved she is and how she's always helping other students in class, even though she's one of the youngest.  Mrs. Trexler also commented on how she’s always using Sophia’s work to show the class an example of how something should be done.  During a parent-teacher conference, I asked if Sophia gets whiny because she seems to do it a lot when she is home but her teacher said she’s never seen her whine before.  I asked Sophia about that one day when she was whining a lot – I said “Why do you have to be so whiny?  Can you save some of your whining for school so that I don’t have to hear it all the time?”  And her answer to me?  She said “NoOOoooOOo!!  I don’t want to move my name down [the behavior chart] at school!”  I guess I just need to find the right motivation for her!

She still loves arts and crafts but the strange thing is that her favorite subject at school is music and not art.  However, the school work that she brings home is so cute.  She's drawing a lot of pictures and the latest thing she does is label her drawings:  

She’s also starting to learn a lot more words and knows enough to start reading on her own now.

She still loves her sleep and can still nap anywhere and instantly if she's tired.  

She tends to have many whiny moments but when she's not whiny, she's a funny, happy, little chatterbox that loves watching Elena of Avalor.  

Here's a video of the fruits of her 6 weeks of gymnastics that she took (but didn't want to continue).  Capped off with a bit of her happy silliness!