Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Double Digits!!

Look who's 10!!  

 Height: 4' 4.6" (25th percentile)
Weights: 64lbs 6oz (26th percentile)

We threw her a party at Rising Phoenix Archery where her brother also had his 10th birthday party.  Originally she wanted to go to a ropes course at Troy gymnastics but it wasn't available during the days/times we could have a party (she thinks I'm just saying that because it was more expensive than archery!) but the archery birthday party turned out to be a lot of fun for her and her friends because many of them have never tried archery before.  [I  was secretly glad she chose archery because when I suggested an archery party, she made the comment that all the friends she's inviting are girls - I told her that girls can definitely do archery and a lot of other things that she thinks only boys can do.  I hope she realizes that there's so much out there she will be able to accomplish as long as she doesn't shut her own doors and limit her potential just because she's a girl!]  We weren't sure how the party would turn out because she wanted to invite both school friends and gymnastics friends but she did a great job making sure she introduced both sets of friends to each other and she made an effort to talk to each one of her friends that night.  Looks like turning 10 is making her a little more responsible and considerate of others!  I asked her what the best part of the night was and in the true spirit of childhood, she said "All the presents!!"  



She is in her final year of elementary school and is really enjoying her time as a 5th grader, doing things like being a safety and very much looking forward to going to 5th grade camp (hopefully!) in the spring.  She was very disappointed a week before school when she found out that she wasn't going to be in the same class as her friends from last year and dwelled over that the entire week before school started but I kept reminding her that she will make new friends.  Fast forward to when she was handing out her birthday invitations where she invited a couple girls from her current class and when I asked her why she invited them, she gave me a smirk and reluctantly said "because I made some new friends" [I wanted to say "I told you so!" but I didn't].  

Over the summer she kept in touch with her friends via Messenger Kids calls/texts/video chats, a few playdates and actually took a cooking class with her BFF Emma.  I thought that would inspire her to cook more but I think her interest lies more with eating the food, at least for now.

For the most part, she's been spending much of her time with gymnastics - 4 days a week, almost 2.5 hours each time she's at the gym.  She's part of the juniors B team right now which doesn't require going to competition yet.  She had the option to move to a level 4 team but she told her coach that she'd rather stick with juniors B so that she can learn more variety of skills rather than just stick to level 4 routines.  I feel like that was a very mature decision of her to make and I'm happy that she knows what she wants to do and can make those decisions on her own.  Hopefully that (good) decision making will continue on throughout her adolescent years and beyond.  But this girl...what she can do in the gym amazes me!  Looking forward to watching her continue to grow as a gymnast!...and as a daughter, sister, friend, student and whatever she choses to pursue!  Love you, Mui! 



(as a final note, she still loves her sleep and still loves 
her precious "bobee"...which is about to fall apart soon!)

And now some gymnastics videos for fun!

Monday, February 1, 2021

Cutest Runner

I know she's almost into double digit age but she looked so darn cute running on the treadmill that I had to post this somewhere! 

Also, the first day back to in person school was picture day but she had absolutely nothing other than hoodies/t-shirts/long sleeves to wear so we had to specifically go out and buy her something nice to wear for pictures.  She hates wearing dresses but that didn't outweigh the fact that she didn't want to dress casually for picture day.  Instead, she brought a change of clothes to wear after pictures were taken!