Thursday, October 19, 2023


Height: 4' 8.5" (15th percentile)
Weight: 75lb 13.4oz (15th percentile)

Happy birthday to our tweenager!  She is ecstatic to be 12 because she finally got her own phone number - the picture of her with her with new cell phone is the biggest, most genuine smile I've seen!!   Getting the iPhone 14 vs my hand-me-down iPhone 11 was a nice surprise for her (and us!) She had an early birthday celebration with family followed by an outing with a few of her BFFs the next day at Painting with a Twist (was suppose to be Tree Runner but rain was forecasted for the entire day) and then Chipotle for dinner afterwards.  On the day of her actual birthday, she requested to go to K-pot for hotpot.

7th grade has been good although she's not liking her classes very much.  In her words, the teachers either talk too much or are too boring but she is still doing a great job with having 100% in 5 of her 6 classes.

She's still dedicated to her gymnastics journey and will be repeating level 6 again this season due to a hairline fracture on her big toe growth plate which prevented her from competing after only competing in 1.5 meets last season.  She was extremely disappointed but was able to recover enough to compete in the last meet of the season.  She is ok with competing level 6 again this season because she said she would have a better chance of placing 1st! 

Something also new this year was contacts!  She has astigmatism and some other condition that I can't remember the name of but requires some treatment to prevent/slow down the progression of it.  They happen to have contacts that help manage this condition, which worked out great because she's been asking for contacts.  It only took her a couple of tries to get the contacts in and within a week of using them, she was extremely comfortable with using contacts.  The only downside (other than insurance not covering this cost) is that she can't nap with contacts in.....and she still loves her sleep!....and of course her blankie!

I still can't believe she's 12 now and then next year we move into full teenager territory!!  Looking forward to seeing her continue to grow!  We are proud of the young lady you are becoming and love you so much!