Lately, she's been sticking out her tongue a lot, especially when she's happy/smiley. She's also been trying to sit upright when we lay her down, propped up at an angle with some pillows/blankets. I think it's because she enjoys the view better when she's sitting up - that is probably why she enjoys sitting in the bumbo seat for short periods of time.
She's been doing tummy time almost every day and is pretty good at it, even when she was only 2 months old. As she's getting older now, it seems like she can't keep her head up as long because she's busy trying to suck on her hands!
Sophia's a pretty good sleeper so far - she's already had a couple of nights where she slept for 6 hours straight in her crib, waking up only to eat and then immediately falling back asleep. She loves listening to her mobile in her crib and is able to fall asleep on her own for the most part when it's bedtime. She likes it when people talk to her - you can usually get a smile out of her when you talk to her. She especially loves it when her big brother goes to talk to her - almost an instant smile every time (unless she's tired or hungry!).
Overall, Sophia's a pretty easy going baby. If she's crying, it's either because she's hungry or sleepy (when she was younger, she would also cry if she had to burp!). On occasion she will fuss when she has a dirty diaper, but I feel like she's outgrowing this phase as she's getting older. There are times when she sounds like she's yelling, but it's just her way of getting someone to pick her up to play!
We love you, Sophia!
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