Sunday, May 20, 2012

7 Months Old

At 7 months old, this little girl is rolling all over the place and I think she might start crawling soon.  She has a very good appetite and loves to eat, especially our food!  There were a couple of times where I was holding her while I was eating and she pulled my hand towards her mouth to try to get a taste of whatever I was eating.

She absolutely adores her brother!  After she wakes up in the morning, she always has the biggest smile on her face when she sees her brother.  She's always watching him as he's playing with his toys, eating his food, or just running around.  Whenever you put her up to Matthew, she'll usually scream/laugh in excitement and then grab his hair.   She just loves her big brother.

She also loves to sit on our shoulders.  If I turn my head from side to side (probably feels like I'm tickling her tummy), she starts laughing.  She sits up pretty well on the floor on her own.  She'll tend to just throw herself backwards once in a while so I can't leave her sitting there on her own quite yet.  But when she's sitting there, she has a pretty good attention span when it comes to playing with certain toys (aka putting toys in her mouth!).  She seems to like playing with balls a lot, especially when it's big enough for her to grab onto with her entire body and then she just starts to hit the ball with both hands.

We also started having her use her high chair and she seems to like that as well and sometimes is really excited when she's sitting in it.  Sometimes when we recline her, it seems like she'll just put her feet up and relax!  I think she likes sitting in the high chair because it puts her at the same level as us when we eat and she gets a better view of the food that way!  Love her soooooo much!

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