Sunday, October 28, 2012

And You're 1 Now...

You're 1 now and you kind of started walking 1 week after your birthday.

You're 1 now and started getting your molars.  I wanted to take a picture and you were so incredibly cooperative when I pulled out the camera and told you to say "aaaaahhhh"!  You have a total of 10 teeth now.

You also love to "smile" for the camera - at least when you are in the comfort of your own house.

You're 1 now and understand a lot of what we are saying to you or asking you to do.  You love waving hi and bye to people and you love to play.  You love your blankie and flipping through the pages of books.  You love to eat everything and you love dancing (shaking your head) to music that you like.  We love you because you are just so lovable, our precious little girl!  

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