Saturday, January 19, 2013

15 Months Old

Weight: 23lbs (53rd %tile)
Height: 31inches (68th %tile)

This little girl is growing up so fast.  Her vocabulary consists of mama, baba, pawpaw (grandma in Chinese) and dodo (what she's really trying to say is gaw gaw, which is what she would call Matthew[big brother in Chinese]).  Through head and hand motions, she also knows how to tell us more, please, yes, no and thank you (when we remind her to).   But her understanding of what we say to her and what is happening all around her is leaps and bounds above what she can clearly communicate to us.

When it's time to go somewhere, she'll go and grab her coat and give it to us to put it on her.  She'll go grab her socks and shoes and put it by her feet.  One time when grandma said "bye bye", she went and grabbed grandma's purse for her without anyone telling her to do so.  Another time when she saw that I was giving Matthew a bath, she went and grabbed his towel for me.  She's so observant and very good at putting one and one together.  Sometimes she'll even go grab a diaper and hand it to me after she does her business if she's not preoccupied with something else.

One of her favorite things to do is to copy whatever her big brother is doing.  If he's playing with blocks, then it's time for her to play with blocks.  If he's pretending to fly his toy airplanes through the air, she'll fly whatever toy she's holding in her hand through the air.  If he starts jumping up and down because he's excited to watch TV, then she tries to jump up and down.  It's really cute how much she looks up to her brother.

She also loves dancing when she hears music.  You'll see in this video that her idea of dancing is walking around in circles.

She loves putting her cylindrical blocks into its matching round opening in the lid of her blocks container.  She loves her blanket.  She loves to eat.  She loves to say hi or bye to strangers when we're out.  She loves giving kisses and big hugs (when she feels like it).  If you ask her for a hug, she'll put her face next to yours and sometimes wrap her arms around your neck and say "haaaaaaaaaa" as in "hug".  I love it so much when she does that to us out of the blue!

She loves a lot of things, but here are her latest loves....
taking baths / playing in the water

and walking around in these squeaky slippers.

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