Friday, April 19, 2013

1 and a Half Year Old!

Height: 32inches (61st percentile)
Weight: 24lbs 5oz (51st percentile) 

Can't believe my baby is 1.5 years old!  In general, she's a fun, loving little sweetheart, but don't let those big eyes and cute smile fool you - she's quite capable of throwing tantrums and manipulating people (especially grandparents! =P) to get what she wants.  But then again, look at the mischievous little smile/smirk of hers - it's difficult to resist! =)

She has about 10+ words in her spoken vocabulary: Mama, dada, gaw gaw (big brother), paw paw (maternal grandma), gong gong (maternal grandpa), nie nie (milk), bo bo (her blankie), po po (pick me up), a-ma (amen), poh (pooh), babo (bubble) and probably some other ones I can't think of right now.  Here's a somewhat recent video capturing some of those words.

She's becoming quite independent, but she loves copying whatever her big brother is doing.   It's nice to see that they are starting to "play" together - which usually means she wants to have [a version of] whatever Matthew has and she follows his actions.  The other day, it was nice out so we went outside to have some bubbles fun and when Matthew made some bubbles and started running after the bubbles to pop them, she was running after him with her arm in the air trying to pop bubbles too.  When Matthew was running back to get some more bubble solution, he stopped and jumped the last few inches that got him to the bubble solution.  Sure enough, you see Sophia running back, stopping and then trying to jump.

She loves "reading" books, although she's usually not patient enough to let me read the entire page before she wants to flip the page.  But she has her favorite books that she'll always bring to me to read for her.  Right now it's a book about penguins and another book about Clifford when we are in Matthew's room.  When we're in her room, she has a different set of favorites that she likes to leaf through while sitting in the chair, with her blankie, of course.

She's also starting to pick out her own clothes, when she feels like it!  Sometimes when I tell her we need to go change, she'll run to her room and pull out the pair of pants that she wants to wear.  Sometimes she'll give me a hard time if I try to change it to something different.  Other times she doesn't want to be changed at all, but if I tell her that it's going to look so pretty, she'll stop fussing.  When I'm trying to get her crazy bedhead hair tied up in a little elastic, she'll fight me on that until I mention that she's going to look so pretty.  We've got a little sassy one on our hands here!  Love her so much!

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