Thursday, September 19, 2013

Mui Did It!

A little behind in the monthly Buddy pictures so here are the installments for months 19 - 23!
(row1 is 19 months, row2 is 20, 21 and 22 months, row3 is 23 months)

Sophia's picking up a lot more words now - pretty much repeats any exclamatory two word phrases that her brother uses.  Her favorite for the time being is "Mui (that's how she refers to herself) didit!!"  She'll say that when she buckles herself into her booster seat, when she builds some duplo block creation that she deems worthy of a "mui didit!!", when she draws something on a sheet a paper, etc....basically anytime that Matthew shows me something that he did, she'll try to do what he did and then tell me "mui didit!!"  In the picture below, she is telling me "mui didit!" after she put a puzzle together on the iPad. (and yes, that is her beloved blankie that she has wrapped around her neck!)

Other words in her vocabulary now:
Me-don-o (McDonalds)
Yeah! (also from Matthew)
Noe (nose - she also knows the chinese word for this)
A-pane (airplane)
Ba (bus)
aw done (all done)
dohng (cold in chinese)
yeet-yeet (hot in chinese)
hewo (hello)
diddy ( in hello kitty)
oh no!
han (hand - also knows the chinese word for this)
mut-mut (socks in chinese)
hem-it (helmet)
yee-doe (here in chinese)
daw-doe (there in chinese)
Muibee (also another way she refers to herself.  this is actually a nickname that Matthew came up with one day when he was being silly and trying to make up rhyming words.  maffew-daffew, mommy-dommy, and then out of nowhere came muibee-duibee...and that is how muibee came to life)
and there's a lot more other words that I just can't think of at this moment...

She's also started semi-potty training.  I don't force her to go use the potty, but sometimes when I ask her if she has to go, she'll say Yeah! and then we run up the stairs to go to the elmo potty seat.  After she goes, she'll start clapping and say "mui didit!!" and then motions to get wiped so that she can go ahead and flush the toilet.  

Sophia can definitely be a girly girl.  She's very particular about what clothes she wears - if given the choice, she'd wear her polka dotted purple leggings (see picture below where she is sitting on the other girls) every. single. day.  Oh, and she'd pair it with her leopard print hoodie if she was cold (as shown in her "mui didit" picture from above).  She also "fixes her hair" (my cousin captured this in a video of hers: hope this link works!) and doesn't mind putting a clip in her hair now.  She also likes to carry around bags like it's her purse as well as accessorize with sunglasses and necklaces.  She's also partial to pink stuff and loves Hello Kitty.

On the flip side, she possesses tomboy qualities as well.  She loves to run around and play with her brother (i even caught them wrestling each other down to the ground the other night!), play with balls, ride bikes and play with duplo blocks (toddler version of lego blocks).  She really just loves copying whatever her big brother is doing and is usually a bit more daring/adventurous than he was at her age.  Here's a picture of her after she climbed up onto a chair to get some french fries while none of us were watching her!

I can't believe this little baby girl is turning 2 in a month!  And for the record, the terrible twos already made multiple appearances starting a few months ago! =P

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