Tuesday, December 4, 2018


I signed Sophia up for a gymnastics class earlier this year (end of May) at her request to try it out.  At the completion of the 8 week class, her instructor suggested that I take her to an evaluation session to make sure they can place her in the proper class level since she seemed to be doing so well at her age-level class.  I was expecting them to place her in the next age bracket class, but instead she gets an invitation to join the developmental team - totally not what we expected!  After explaining to Sophia about how much commitment would be required, she still wanted to give developmental team a try so I talked my manager at work and was able to arrange my schedule so that I could actually drive her to and from practice twice a week (~2 hours per practice) this summer, starting mid-July.  When school started, practices were moved to Wednesday nights from 6-8pm and Saturday 1-4pm.  Despite the long hours and amount of energy needed, Sophia has been loving gymnastics and progressing amazingly!  Here are some videos from her recent skills performance showcase:

Before this showcase, she didn't know if she would be able to complete a round off back handspring - by the end of the showcase, she made it look like there was nothing to it!!  

This girl will no doubt be able to accomplish whatever she sets her mind on!
Absolutely amazing!

Friday, October 19, 2018

7 Years Old!

Weight: 46lb 4oz (30th percentile)
Height: 45.75" (16th percentile)

This is the face of a 7 year old!  Also the face of a second grader, a gymnast, a soon to be basketball player once again, an artist, a crafter, a swimmer, a little sister, a big sister, and a sleeper (she still loves to sleep!) among many other things.  Currently she’s into Pokemon Go.  That's actually an understatement - she is obsessed with Pokemon Go.  I didn't know there can be so much to discuss about Pokemon Go.  When you first talk to her, she's your shy, quiet girl.  But if she finds out you play Pokemon Go, then you've got yourself a chatterbox and new BFF.  

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Art Show 2018

RCS’ 2018 Art Show featured our little artist in a piece I like to call
“checking out her art work”

Friday, February 2, 2018

Lady Falcon

I signed Sophia up for Upward Basketball this season because Matthew was playing.  She originally didn't want to play at all.  Being the psuedo-tiger mom I am, I basically "forced" her to try it out for one season because she doesn't know if she likes it if she's never tried playing before.  As we are driving to her first practice:

S: I don't want to play basketball.
Me: Why not?
S: I don't know how to play.  I'm not going to know what to do.
Me: That's why they have coaches.  They will teach you.
S: But I'm not good at it.
Me: That's because you've never played before.  We'll just try it for one season and if you don't like it, then you don't have to play next year.
S: So if I don't like it tonight, I don't have to play anymore?!
Me: Uh...no.  I already paid for the entire season - you're playing the entire season.  If you don't like it, then you don't have to play next year.

After the first practice:
S: Can I play again next year??

She's the smallest/shortest on the team and is one of 2 girls that has never played before but her coaches are extremely energetic and enthusiastic and very encouraging and I think that is a huge reason why she loves playing!  Here's our Lady Falcon that's loving her first basketball season so far.