Friday, February 2, 2018

Lady Falcon

I signed Sophia up for Upward Basketball this season because Matthew was playing.  She originally didn't want to play at all.  Being the psuedo-tiger mom I am, I basically "forced" her to try it out for one season because she doesn't know if she likes it if she's never tried playing before.  As we are driving to her first practice:

S: I don't want to play basketball.
Me: Why not?
S: I don't know how to play.  I'm not going to know what to do.
Me: That's why they have coaches.  They will teach you.
S: But I'm not good at it.
Me: That's because you've never played before.  We'll just try it for one season and if you don't like it, then you don't have to play next year.
S: So if I don't like it tonight, I don't have to play anymore?!
Me:  I already paid for the entire season - you're playing the entire season.  If you don't like it, then you don't have to play next year.

After the first practice:
S: Can I play again next year??

She's the smallest/shortest on the team and is one of 2 girls that has never played before but her coaches are extremely energetic and enthusiastic and very encouraging and I think that is a huge reason why she loves playing!  Here's our Lady Falcon that's loving her first basketball season so far.

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