Sunday, May 25, 2014

Video Updates

Sophia is a girly girl.  None of these videos show it, but she's definitely a girly girl.  She changes her outfits several times a day when we're at home.  Put a dress on her and she'll twirl herself around and say "I so pretty!"  Put an article of clothing on her that she doesn't like and she'll say "yee gaw mm match!" (this doesn't match).  If her hands get dirty, she'll make a fuss about it until you tell her we can wash it off later.  She's a high maintenance one, but she's a fun, sassy, bright little girl.  She's doing really well with speaking both English and Chinese.  If she says something in English (which she picked up quickly from her brother), I'll ask her what it means in Chinese and she can usually immediately translate it (if she feels like it).  I play a game with her and Matthew where I'll say the English word or phrase of something and they race to say the Chinese version of it.  I would say that 7 out of 10 times, Sophia ends up winning!  We'll see how long this lasts once she starts school when she turns 3 though.  If she's anything like her brother, she'll stop speaking Chinese and use all English - hopefully not!

Dancing like Santa
Playing a card game of following instructions with gaw-gaw and daddy
Her own medley of random songs
Eating Mozzarella Cheese
Doing her version of the robot
(reference at 1:15 - this is what she does everytime we get to hearing this part of the song)
We'll end this post with a bedtime story from our very own Sophia! :)


  1. Wow, mozzarella cheese! I am impressed, too. Such a smart lad.
