Thursday, October 19, 2017

Sassy 6!

Height: 43.5in (20th percentile)
Weight: 42lb 2oz (35th percentile)

This little girl is 6 now.  Sassy in her own sense of style, sassy in the way she speaks, sassy in the way she thinks...sassy in pretty much everything she does.  She invited a few friends over for arts and crafts and pizza to celebrate her birthday.  Brooklyn and Alyssa are from her 1st grade class and Eve is a neighbor that lives down the street from us that is in a different 1st grade class at the same school.  At 6 years old, Sophia still loves to sleep, is doing great at her new school in terms of making new friends and acclimating to the new school environment, and still loves arts and crafts (pink fluffy bunnies is the "in" thing for her right now). 

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