Wednesday, December 19, 2012

14 Months Old

It gets harder and harder to get her to sit still for pictures now that she has a mind of her own!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Yes I want some...

She recently learned how to nod her head to say "yes" when you ask her if she wants something.  
So cute!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

And You're 1 Now...

You're 1 now and you kind of started walking 1 week after your birthday.

You're 1 now and started getting your molars.  I wanted to take a picture and you were so incredibly cooperative when I pulled out the camera and told you to say "aaaaahhhh"!  You have a total of 10 teeth now.

You also love to "smile" for the camera - at least when you are in the comfort of your own house.

You're 1 now and understand a lot of what we are saying to you or asking you to do.  You love waving hi and bye to people and you love to play.  You love your blankie and flipping through the pages of books.  You love to eat everything and you love dancing (shaking your head) to music that you like.  We love you because you are just so lovable, our precious little girl!  

Friday, October 19, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday!

Happy 1st birthday baby girl!
Weight: 20.2lbs (50%tile)
Height: 30in (70%tile)

Here's a video of her on her first birthday....not knowing what to do with her birthday cupcake!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Little Monkey

Almost 11 months old!  Where did the time go?!  Sophia is a ball of energy!  She’s nonstop crawling, climbing, standing, and maybe almost walking.  She’s like a little monkey when it comes to climbing.  She climbs the stairs, she’ll try to climb up onto the couch to grab something that she wants (usually the TV remote), she’ll try to climb up the side of the bathtub to reach for something inside the tub (and actually, she does it well enough where she can fall into the tub if I’m not there to pull her back), she’ll try to climb out of the pack n play (or into it like the picture below) and she'll even climb the laundry basket to get her beloved blankie.  If you are near her during one of her climbing adventures, she’ll actually use you as a stepping block to get to where she wants to go.


Some “tricks” that Sophia has learned to do pretty well in the past couple months include your standard hi (she waves her arm up and down) and bye (she opens and closes her hand, although it seems like she’s saying bye to herself!).  She can give “fly kisses” aka “fay mun” and does “deem choong choong”.  She’ll clap when you ask her to…she’ll also clap if you ask her if she wants more of something – that’s her version of sign language for “more”.  She’ll put her hand over her mouth when I ask her to say thank you (suppose to be on her chin, but that’s close enough) and she’ll pat her chest when I ask her to say please (suppose to be a circular motion, but that seems to be a lot of coordination for a baby!).  If you ask her to give you a kiss, she’ll open up her mouth and put it to your face and then make her version of a kissing sound “ooh-WAH!  She's also very chatty when she wants to be.  "mum, mum, mum" seems to be her favorite words - which means she wants to eat!  She LOVES eating.  Especially anything we're eating.

She also loves her big brother.  At night when I put them down for bed, she likes to go roll around in his bed and play with him for a little bit first.  She rolls all over him and plays with some of his toys and books.  In the morning, she usually wakes up before he does.  When I get her out of her crib and walk by him, she smiles and gets excited when she sees him, even if he's still sleeping.  I love that she loves him so much.  Hope it stays that way!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

9 Month Check Up

Weight: 18lb 15.5oz (54%tile)
Height: 27.5in (49%tile)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Getting Ready to Cruise and First Words!

This is ALL she does now when I put her down on the floor.  I have a feeling she'll be walking before her first birthday! 

And before I know it, she'll be waving "bah bah bah" as she runs away from me!  Sometimes she'll also say "bah bah bah bah" as she opens and closes her hand.  She also waves "hi" and says/screams "aaaaaaayyyyeeee" but I have yet to catch that on camera.  Also not caught on camera are her first words!  I think it was bah bah - I'm not sure if it was part of her "bye bye" or if she was calling for dad. But I also heard her clearly say "ma ma" this week!  She's growing up too fast!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Olympic Crawler?

Do they have crawling in the olympics?  Because if they did, I think she might make the cut! =)
Also noteworthy is that she now has 4 teeth on top!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

8 Months Old

Weight: 19lbs

At 8 months old, Sophia's hit many milestones/experienced many new things.  She's mastered "army" crawling and can crawl over and under most obstacles to get to where she wants to get she wants.  When she comes to a stop, she gets into the real crawling position, but doesn't seem quite ready to crawl on her hands and knees yet.  Maybe she feels army crawling is sufficient enough for her purposes?!  All I know is that she's fast.  If I don't dress her quickly enough after bath time, she likes to make a quick get away!

There are two places where she will sit still.  One place is on the grass.  It will probably take her some time to get use to the prickly feeling of the grass on her soft skin.  The second place is in the stroller.  She's almost to the point of outgrowing her carseat carrier so we decided to buy a double stroller.  Normally, we would have her sit in the front part of the stroller (where Matthew is sitting in the picture below), but since we had the stroller inside the house right after we assembled it, we just put her in the back to take a picture.  However, she seemed just as happy sitting in the back as she was sitting in the front.  It's most likely because she gets a better view of the world when she gets to sit up in the stroller!

At 8 months, Sophia has 4 teeth.  Poor girl had to experience the pain of the top teeth coming out at the same time that she contracted hand, foot and mouth disease.  She ran a fever for a few days and then her body broke out into rashes.  I think she also had one or two sores in her mouth, one of which was right by the top tooth that is popping out. 

At 8 months, she also got to feel sand between her toes, as well as the wind blowing through her hair - well the few hairs that she has. =)  I think she liked both since she didn't cry in either instance.  She was actually smiling at some point during her swing ride, but we just didn't capture a picture of it.  She also shakes her head from side to side when we say "no, no, no, no", will use her right hand to bang on whatever is in front of her when we say "dup, dup, dup" (hit in chinese), and sometimes we'll get an arm wave when we say "hi".  Can't wait to see this little sponge soak up everything she sees/hears in the next couple of months!


Saturday, June 9, 2012

On a Mission... find her yellow ball.  
She loves her yellow ball!

I didn't realize how quick and effective army crawling can be!  As you can see, she's pretty fast using that method.  I've seen her try to get on her knees and hands so I think she'll soon be crawling on all fours!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

2nd Tooth and On the Go

I see her second tooth coming out!

Also, she's completely mobile now!  
I can only imagine how much faster she will be when she perfects her crawling skills!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

7 Months Old

At 7 months old, this little girl is rolling all over the place and I think she might start crawling soon.  She has a very good appetite and loves to eat, especially our food!  There were a couple of times where I was holding her while I was eating and she pulled my hand towards her mouth to try to get a taste of whatever I was eating.

She absolutely adores her brother!  After she wakes up in the morning, she always has the biggest smile on her face when she sees her brother.  She's always watching him as he's playing with his toys, eating his food, or just running around.  Whenever you put her up to Matthew, she'll usually scream/laugh in excitement and then grab his hair.   She just loves her big brother.

She also loves to sit on our shoulders.  If I turn my head from side to side (probably feels like I'm tickling her tummy), she starts laughing.  She sits up pretty well on the floor on her own.  She'll tend to just throw herself backwards once in a while so I can't leave her sitting there on her own quite yet.  But when she's sitting there, she has a pretty good attention span when it comes to playing with certain toys (aka putting toys in her mouth!).  She seems to like playing with balls a lot, especially when it's big enough for her to grab onto with her entire body and then she just starts to hit the ball with both hands.

We also started having her use her high chair and she seems to like that as well and sometimes is really excited when she's sitting in it.  Sometimes when we recline her, it seems like she'll just put her feet up and relax!  I think she likes sitting in the high chair because it puts her at the same level as us when we eat and she gets a better view of the food that way!  Love her soooooo much!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

1st Tooth!

First tooth is coming out!  I'm going to miss that gummy grin of hers, but I'm sure the toothy grin will be just as cute.
*****Finally got a picture*****
Can you see it??

Thursday, April 19, 2012

6 Month Check Up

Weight: 18lb 15oz (94th %tile)
Height: 26.5in (78th %tile)

Monday, April 16, 2012

My Firsts

First time flying, first time staying in a hotel, and first time rolling over!  
What an eventful Californian vacation visiting Chrissy yee yee.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

5 Months Old

Look at those chubby arms, legs and cheeks!  You can't help but want to give her a big bear hug!  I think she's starting to teeth, based on the amount of drool her bibs collect, the constant thumb/finger sucking, and the bad night time sleep.  Poor girl!  Hope this passes soon because she seems so uncomfortable when she wakes up crying at night.

One new thing that she started doing recently is playing with her feet/toes.  I'm just waiting for the day she puts her feet in her mouth!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

All the little things...

All the little things that Sophia does isn't always immediately captured or posted but I don't want to forget about them!  The picture doesn't show it, but she loves bath time.  She gets so excited sometimes that she kicks her feet and splashes water all over the place!  Also, something she started doing right before she turned 4 months old was looking like she was ready to roll over!  The picture shows how far she usually gets in terms of rolling over.

She's getting a lot more interactive and responsive.  Here she is enjoying a game of peekaboo!

She can also be quite the drama queen!  Here's a video of her right before a nap time.  She's little, but she can be loud!

And this is the latest - starting baby foods!  So far she's tried carrots and apples but seems indifferent to what she's eating.  Hopefully this means she won't be a picky eater!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

4 Month Check Up

Weight: 16lbs (92nd %tile)
Height: 24.75in (69th %tile)

 Here are a few pictures to show a few things that she does a lot of at 4 months (going clockwise): give huge smiles first thing after waking up in the morning, hold her head up pretty well, play with her two hands, and suck on her hands.  Drooling is also on her list of things that she does well, but I haven't gotten a picture of that yet.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Our Growing Girl

I can't believe Sophia's almost 4 months old already.  She has grown and developed so much in these past 4 months.  She's discovered her little hands.  It started with her sucking on her hands, followed by her playing with her hands.  Now she's starting to hold on to things with her hands such as your clothes when you are holding her, her blanket, her own clothes, pretty much anything that is near her hand that she can grab a hold of.

Lately, she's been sticking out her tongue a lot, especially when she's happy/smiley.  She's also been trying to sit upright when we lay her down, propped up at an angle with some pillows/blankets.  I think it's because she enjoys the view better when she's sitting up - that is probably why she enjoys sitting in the bumbo seat for short periods of time.

She's been doing tummy time almost every day and is pretty good at it, even when she was only 2 months old.  As she's getting older now, it seems like she can't keep her head up as long because she's busy trying to suck on her hands!

Sophia's a pretty good sleeper so far - she's already had a couple of nights where she slept for 6 hours straight in her crib, waking up only to eat and then immediately falling back asleep.  She loves listening to her mobile in her crib and is able to fall asleep on her own for the most part when it's bedtime.  She likes it when people talk to her - you can usually get a smile out of her when you talk to her.  She especially loves it when her big brother goes to talk to her - almost an instant smile every time (unless she's tired or hungry!).

Overall, Sophia's a pretty easy going baby.  If she's crying, it's either because she's hungry or sleepy (when she was younger, she would also cry if she had to burp!).  On occasion she will fuss when she has a dirty diaper, but I feel like she's outgrowing this phase as she's getting older.  There are times when she sounds like she's yelling, but it's just her way of getting someone to pick her up to play!

We love you, Sophia!